Aliro Protocol: Unlocking Doors with Mobile and Wearable Devices

by Apr 16, 2024#IoT, #HomePage

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Table Of Content

  1. Core Principles and Benefits
  2. Market Applications
  3. Aliro Technical Aspects


Aliro is a groundbreaking initiative by the Connectivity Standards Alliance aimed at transforming digital access control. It’s designed to standardize and enhance how mobile devices and wearables interact with access control systems, focusing on creating a secure, convenient, and consistent user experience.

The initiative is driven by the need for a consistent user experience (UX) in digital access using consumer electronics. The existence of proprietary solutions in this space has led to inconsistencies that delay the widespread adoption of new technologies.

By establishing a common credential and communication protocol, Aliro ensures interoperability between various devices and access control readers, thereby enabling users to unlock doors and other entry points seamlessly.

The Alliance comprises hundreds of companies, many of which are leaders in lock products and related security solutions, focusing on this project to promote the Aliro protocol and uphold the principles of open standards and interoperability among devices.

The effort is supported by major tech companies like Apple, Google, Samsung, and others. These companies are contributing resources and expertise to develop the Aliro standard.


Core Principles and Benefits

  • Simplicity: Aliro reduces integration complexity and streamlines troubleshooting, lowering barriers to implementation.
  • Flexibility: It supports diverse installations and architectures, providing convenient access to common and individual entry points.
  • Security: The protocol is a foundation for state-of-the-art, secure, and trusted mobile access solutions.
  • Interoperability: Its standardized communication protocol enables manufacturer-independent devices and readers to work collaboratively.

Aliro is not just a technical standard; it represents a significant industry collaboration, similar to Matter protocol, aimed at eliminating barriers to innovation and improving the end-user experience, regardless of hardware or operating system.

It introduces a common credential and access technology, defined by leading mobile and access control OEMs, to ensure top-notch security, privacy, and interoperability among certified devices.

Aliro specifies a secure method for using your mobile device or wearable as a key to open locks. Aliro is a complementary standard for Matter Smart HomeMatter devices can support both Aliro and Matter protocols together or individually, depending on the smart home use case.


Market Applications

Aliro is working to define the standards for multiple verticals, including the following:

  • Commercial: Aliro streamlines interoperability across various hardware from different vendors.
  • Residential: It offers homeowners a seamless experience using their mobile phones or wearables (smartwatches) as keys.
  • Installers and System Owners: The protocol empowers installers to simplify complex systems and assists system owners in managing a mix of hardware and software with ease.
  • Manufacturers: Aliro helps reduce R&D costs and complexity in partner integrations.


Aliro Technical Aspects

The Aliro communication protocol supports various transmission technologies, incorporating NFC, Bluetooth LE, UWB, asymmetric cryptography, and credential data. This versatility is key to its widespread applicability and effectiveness.

Aliro is under development and has yet to be available to its members. It is also expected to undergo certification by the Alliance to identify products supporting the protocol.

The Connectivity Standards Alliance envisions Aliro as a key player in making digital access more integrated, secure, and user-friendly. The protocol is expected to revolutionize access management in various settings, including homes, offices, hotels, healthcare, and educational institutions.

In essence, Aliro represents a concerted effort to redefine digital access, standardizing and enhancing how mobile devices and wearables interact with access control systems, aiming to make digital access more seamless, secure, and universally compatible.

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